2-Day Purpose to Prosperity Immersion

Are You Ready to Turn Your Purpose into Prosperity?

In my 2-Day Purpose to Prosperity Immersion I will show you the not so “secret” secrets to building a soul satisfying vocation AND a life you absolutely love.

I’ll share the exact steps I took (and what I would do all over again!) to build multiple thriving businesses from my purpose and my passion with limited technology, web presence, social media, and team. Seriously - just you, a computer, and a cell phone. That is all you need.

(Hint: It’s not rocket science. It is actually quite simple. And you CAN do it too.)

What I’ll share during this Immersion comes from decades of training, study and most importantly - life experience. It comes from building multi-million and multi-BILLION dollar companies as well as building multiple six- and seven-figure companies from scratch.

The Purpose to Prosperity Immersion will support YOU in the same way that it has supported so many of my clients to build their own six- and seven-figure businesses and to create lives they absolutely LOVE!  Without compromising themselves, apologizing or asking permission any more.

In our 2 days together you will:

✨ Harness your soul calling and create incredible prosperity

✨ Clarify your message, mission, and methodology

✨ Create the magnetic message that attracts your ideal clients to you!

✨ Package it in an irresistible offer that people say "Heck Yes!" to

✨ Start sharing it with the world with passion and authority (think: speaking, workshops, books, masterminds, courses)

I want to know:

How would you play for these 2 powerful days, for the next year, if you knew that your life could be dramatically different? If you knew that turning your purpose into prosperity was the answer?

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. The value of this experience is $5,000, but your investment is just $2,497.
  2. These 2 days will change your life.

My promise is to give you my all for two full days, to share everything I learned, and to give you the tools to set yourself up for massive success in the coming year.

Now, here’s the question:

Will you be there?
Will you give your all?
Will you choose to step into fear and discomfort to gain more wisdom, confidence, conviction and experience?

You get to choose.

I hope to see you there.

$2,497.00 USD

I understand that this payment is for the Purpose to Prosperity Immersion program and it is a non-refundable and non-cancellable agreement.


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